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InPost Fresh

Conquering a new market segment with an advanced grocery delivery platform.


  • Scope PM/SM, BA, UX & UI design, mobile development, QA
  • Technologies Flutter
  • Business sector Lifestyle
  • iteo Team 1 x PM/SM
    1 x BA
    1 x UX designer
    1 x UI designer
    2 x Flutter developers
    1 x QA expert

Supporting the leader among delivery platforms for ecommerce by creating a functional, hi-tech business extension of the most famous app in Poland.


  • 2020

    first product workshops with both the Client and their Business Partner, establishing the project’s scope, analytical works


    Development launch

  • 2021

    friends & family tests


    production launch of the service, media campaign


    development of new functionalities and improvements

  • Project’s highlights

    Launching a new service for a popular Polish brand required adjusting it to the brand’s well-known InPost Mobile Application – both in the terms of UX and UI. We managed to maintain the company’s image, making the new platform user-friendly and highly functional.


    Business needs & goals!

    Using its unquestionable competencies in the area of deliveries to the end customer, InPost wanted to expand its services by becoming a crucial link of the e-grocery revolution. The company planned on entering a new business market and building a future-proof, innovative food delivery platform. The solution needed to be coherent with both the client’s current image and its partners’ objectives. And the first chain store to join InPost in this new venture was Makro Cash and Carry.


    The app allows you to do grocery shopping online.

    • Users can sign up with their phone number – the process is simple and intuitive.

    • Delivery address can be provided in two ways – using geolocation or address autocomplete.

    • Users can choose convenient slots for deliveries:
      One hour – delivery up to one hour
      Same day – same day delivery within specific hours
      Next day – next day delivery within specific hours

      In addition, users can enter preview mode, which allows them to view all products available for purchase.

    • A customer can choose product categories which have three levels of nesting. There are also special categories like merchant recommendations or promotions.

    • The app gives the possibility to change slots in every moment of the shopping process.

    • Payment can be:
      Online: by card, BLIK or transfer to the bank (integration with Przelewy24).
      By card on delivery.

    • Users can check their order details (including current and finished ones), as well as track their delivery.

    • The platform has a convenient browser, favorites, and an option of searching and filtering the products.

    • Limit handling – one client can’t buy more than an estimated number of products

    • Users can save their last basket and restore it when needed

    • The app allows managing invoice data, address list, sales

    • Displaying product tiles, discounts, and product details

    • Search with autocomplete feature


    UX design

    Firstly, InPost Fresh mobile e-commerce application needed establishing a user’s location necessary to determine the range of available services.

    We designed a complex service selection process – from choosing the delivery location, through available delivery time slots, and further management.

    The interface had to be clear and allow a user to efficiently navigate through the app’s structure including category nesting, displaying information about the basket activity time, etc. The individual product tiles needed to be legible and adjusted to displaying varied information (also dependent on a product type, current discount, and more).

    UI design

    InPost Mobile Design System set a very solid ground for the development of its subproducts.

    That is why creating a subsystem for InPost Fresh was a very pleasurable experience. Knowing that the product is very user-oriented, we were aiming for the most user-friendly solutions, but also focused on giving the InPost Fresh a unique design twist visible in the custom illustrations.

    Expanding the already established system and adding a style of new merchants proved to be an interesting challenge. With different business partners’ colours and esthetics, we were compelled to put our system to a test and expand it to meet our client’s business needs. This task allowed us to grow it beyond what it was expected to be and now it’s a system that suits both the InPost Company and any other vendor who would like to participate in the project. Design became a bridge rather than a gap, and we were pleased to be a part of this process.


    Challenges & solutions


    The app has to be maintainable due the project’s characteristics and the industry itself. Future changes like new functionalities or services require modularity, testability and modifiability – that’s why it was so essential to stick with clean and reusable code. The project is built with separated components, both on logic and UI levels. It’s coherent with the Clean Architecture rules.

    Adjusting the solution to the vendor’s processes

    Because the app also provides food products, we needed to include both ordering them by piece and those sold by weight. Apart from that, the project required designing an intuitive presentation of dependencies in the order – a price which depends on ordered products, available discounts, support for special codes, and potential goods shortages.

    Business analysis

    As by creating its first e-grocery app, InPost entered a totally new business segment, we needed to pay special attention to the business analysis of the project. We came up with its in-depth characteristics by thoroughly researching the market and making sure that the application responds to all business needs.

    Coherence with the InPost Mobile App

    InPost Fresh needed to be coherent with the previous InPost Mobile App to provide users with the same, familiar and positive feeling. That’s why, as co-creators of this well-known app, we put a significant effort into preparing the platform’s UX and UI and maintaining the look-feel consistency.

    Joint multi-channel collaboration

    Creating the InPost Fresh application required the engagement of 4 different companies: InPost, its business partner Makro Cash and Carry, OpenApp company responsible for backend, and iteo. Nonetheless, we managed to stay in constant touch and develop a full-featured product in line with all of the established requirements.

    Quality assurance

    We performed manual tests of the mobile app on devices with iOS and Android.

    The project was developed according to the SCRUM mindset, and functional tests were based on user stories guidelines as well as acceptance criteria. Our test oracles were also UX mockups and the app’s graphic design.

    In addition, we applied explorational tests, retests and regression tests on various mobile devices and operating systems. To streamline the process of bug reports – in the test version of the app – we implemented a component which allowed adding bug notifications to the backlog along with a print screen and description directly from the app.

    Acceptance tests we performed by the client. Safety tests before the production launch didn’t detect any critical vulnerabilities.



    Opening up to a new kind of service resulted in developing a new market potential – strengthening varied business relations and gaining new clients.

    First, the app has been test launched only in Warsaw, but InPost strives for a larger audience. In time, it will expand the outreach nationwide to become the biggest food marketplace in Poland. Having experience with the InPost Mobile app, the company focuses on innovative hi-tech solutions, being a potential partner for other brick and mortar stores that want to go digital, but need solid support.

    Client’s review

    A consistently reliable partner, iteo is a strong company which delivers skilful products. We haven’t experienced a single problem from their side with the timeline or scope.

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