Let's talk!

Discovery and ideation

Need for innovation

Be aware, be ready, and follow the trends for the best results

Solving unmet needs and enabling market entry at the right time with differentiated products and services requires setting new approach to innovation.

Taking a unique point of view about the future to identify opportunities and solving customer and stakeholder problems becomes a must for businesses in order to thrive and be successful.

Feeding business growth

Digital world opens up a universe of possibilities to benefit from

Ideas for new business models, reimagined experiences and the application of emerging technologies are born in the process of ideation and discovery.

Whether your goal is core processes innovation, digital transformation or business growth, we offer our discovery and ideation capabilities within your broader innovation system. We support businesses in customer-centered, agile approach to opportunity identification, idea generation, concept development and evaluation that aligns with your business strategy.


Service area expertise

  • icon image Human-centered design & design thinking
  • icon image Digital ideas generation & governance
  • icon image Scenario planning & user flows
  • icon image End-to-end customer journeys
  • icon image Concept development & evaluation
  • icon image Opportunity area identification
  • icon image Digital product & processes audits
  • icon image Prototyping & Design Systems

Discovery & ideation projects

Discovery phase

Why we do that?

The discovery service is focused on identifying new opportunity areas for innovation. We identify potential customer needs through qualified research methods, dedicated workshops and experts advisory.

Using trend analysis and scenario planning, we work with you to understand external trends, their impact and technological opportunities for your business . We validate customer needs in terms of viability, desirability and feasibility.

Research methods we use

  • Vision & users evaluation

  • Functional & non-functional requirements elicitation

  • Business Processes identification

  • Product & service audits

  • Defining Product development process

  • Business x technology project plan creation


Ideation phase

Why we do that?

In the Ideation phase we help you focus on translating opportunity areas into ideas.

We use professional techniques and tools to generate ideas for new experiences, products, services and business models based on defined consumer needs. The next step is prioritizing high-growth areas for rapid prototyping and concept testing.

Tools we use

  • Facilitated workshops

  • Process modeling

  • BPMN and SQL

  • User Stories

  • Acceptance Criteria

  • MoSCoW Prioritization


What do you want to achieve?

  • icon image Scale up with a new digital channel to the market
  • icon image Build a better digital customer experience
  • icon image Create end-to-end digital customer journey
  • icon image Increase customer’s engagement
  • icon image Digitize the physical world (IoT)
  • icon image Capture the opportunity with automation
  • icon image Modernize your core software technology
  • icon image Transform by applying digital operations

Steps to innovate

  • 1

    Set a goal

    Create a main objective for your future success.
  • 2

    Define your purposes

    Establish what needs to be done in order to succeed.
  • 3


    Set, manage and speed up digital initiatives.
  • 4

    Be like a start-up

    Disrupt and create like an agile start-up.
  • 5

    Get rolling

    Make it happen – design, build, test and iterate.
  • 6

    Keep up!

    Maintain, update, adjust and scale up.

Your gains

Smart decision-making

A power to discover operational requirements and make accurate decisions.


Better choices on business matters and transparent steps to achieve new goals.


Focusing on what matters most in your particular case for more effective results.

Feasibility study

BA provides a toolset that enables detection of potential hazards and can save a project from failure.

Reduced costs

Identifying the most cost-effective solutions and reducing project rework.

What our clients say

A consistently reliable partner, iteo is a strong company which delivers skilful products. We haven’t experienced a single problem from their side with the timeline or scope.
I’m glad I have a partner in iteo that is able to complete the project seamlessly from concept, through development, to product launch.
iteo team demonstrated a lot of care to make sure things were done right. They seemed to have a vester interest in making this product great, even though they don’thave any equity in the company.
iteo is flexible and accommodating. I have nothing but good things to say about the engagement.
iteo offered creativity and strong project management. They delivered each phase of the project on time and within budget.
I can recommend iteo as a reliable business partner with extensive consultant expertise for creating custom mobile applications.
The contract was executed honestly, with due diligence, and within the allotted time. The quality guarantee and technical support was carried out professionally and in accordance with the contract.

What we focus on?


Understanding your needs

Along with project management, business analysis is one of the most essential roles in a project. It enables us to understand the company’s business needs, document them with the use of dedicated tools and make them comprehensive for developers engaged in a project. By a proper analysis, we’re able to specify the requirements, manage changes and reprioritize the internal processes.


Problem-oriented operations

Business analysis estimates if a suggested operation is capable of building up to organisational benefits by: identifying and cataloging company’s business needs, processes and potential technical or legal requirements, as well as discovering integrations and establishing a list of stakeholders, e.g. by employing user stories. Unfortunately, change can come with a negative impact, too. Analysis helps reduce it, making the results more stable and predictable.


Individual approach

Every project is subject to individual analysis, however we generally follow an agile approach. We start the process with thorough problems, needs, and goals diagnosis, discussing them in-depthly with our clients. We determine the accurateness of solutions, arrange the processes, gather the general requirements, and acquire knowledge about the technical issues. Next, we expand upon the collected set of information, we document them, and create a backlog, being an analytical support and  creating a basis for the project’s development.

Discovery and ideation outcomes

Charter Canvas Design

An effective way of creating a UX design process based on a user-centered approach – analysing both a user and a company’s chief business goals.

Value Case

Mapping the values of joint project members in a comprehensive manner in order to align your business objectives and reach an accepted investment decision.

Stakeholder Analysis

Identifying and understanding your stakeholders’ needs and expectations, with all the intricacies that may influence a project’s successful development.

Resource Analysis

A valuable insight into a company’s resources and capabilities identifying its strengths and weaknesses and verifying its potential competitive advantage.

Risk Mitigation

In-depth research and analysis prevents you from taking the wrong step. If your business plan isn’t complete or fitted to your objectives, there’s still time for a fix.

High Level Business Requirements

Getting your business requirements straight before launching the process of product development and making sure they’re understood by every team involved.

Complete Business Architecture Package

A general description of a target product with a clear identification of its goal, functionality, critical processes, and active elements, along with their co-interactions.

Complete Process Architecture Package

A preview of all potential business processes carried by an organization to provide its customers with a proper product or service and avoid potential wastes or mistakes.

Our services

Backend development

Backend development

More Backend development
Frontend development

Frontend development

More Frontend development
Mobile development

Mobile development

More Mobile development