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Enterprise level, flexible WordPress tool prepared for a SaaS B2B platform.


  • Scope WordPress frontend and backend development, blog content migration, adapting the new website to mobile devices, SEO optimization according to strict Landingi’s guidelines, page speed optimization
  • Business sector IT
  • Model of collaboration Time & material
  • Team 1 x Backend Developer
    1 x Project Manager
    1x UX designer
    1x UI designer

Enterprise level, flexible tool prepared for considerable traffic and constant development – hitting the list of our TOP3 largest code size WordPress projects in both language versions.


  • 2020

    The beginning of work

  • 2020

    Product release

  • 2020
    September till now

    ongoing support and new features implementation

  • Project’s highlights

    Landingi is an online marketing SaaS solution providing practical web building resources, including graphic elements, fonts and templates, for clients from over 80 countries around the world.

    The company’s flexible, open to feedback and ready to implement changes that make their product even more convenient and user friendly. That’s why they needed a new, rebranded, powerful and unfailing website.


    Business needs & goals

    Landingi bases their business on lead generation, so the website’s goal was both to display the offer well and convert.

    As the company’s flagship, it had to be appealing, fast, and unflawed, having a reliable, convenient backend accessible for multiple content editors.

    Additionally, the client needed their website to be seamlessly scalable when it comes to the number of subpages with an easy option of creating blog content and articles in the “Help” section.

    Kick-off meeting

    At first, we met with the whole Landingi team to discuss the topic of functionalities and widgets that need to be implemented on the website.

    It was of a core value from the very beginning of the development, since the company’s content was created by modules. We had to get detailed information to know how Landingi plans on using these modules in the future in order to prepare as many ready-made elements as possible. At the same time, we presented the client with our previous projects to give them a glimpse of the result they may expect and establish any design shortcomings.

    Based on the meeting, we prepared the modules library and showed the initial plan for the backend. Our design consultant made sure that the frontend part of the development is well optimized and adjusted to the new website throughout the whole process of development.


    Challenges & solutions

    • We provided a high-quality, pixel-perfect frontend, working closely with the designers and making sure that it’s well optimized and adjusted to the new website.

    • We’ve decided upon an iterative manner of work with the client, recommending the order of implementation and providing current valuations. We extended Landingi’s team, being at their service whenever they needed our help.

    • All works were carried out simultaneously – we coded the frontend and the backend at the same time as the design team prepared the UI. It allowed us to speed up the process and analyze the design abreast, implementing possible alterations on a regular basis.

    • All the demanding design elements were implemented 100% as planned without compromising. We didn’t expect the client to change the project’s vision and resign from any advanced features or animations.

    • We made it possible for Landingi to work on their content during the process of development. It let them keep their workflow intact and allowed us to work as one, flexible team which streamlined the project’s release.

    • Our utmost goal was being inline with the client’s needs. We did our best in the project management field, controlled the used time, and communicated by Slack being always there when Landingi needed our help.

    • All of the Landingi team were engaged in the project. At its peak, there were 20 people involved in the process of development!

    • To make the website seamlessly scalable, we used page builder blocks which allow adding further pages easily and without the need of coding them from scratch. The same tool streamlined the process of creating visually attractive content, too.


    Business enhancement

    Work process made easier

    A newly implemented website gave the Landingi team a vast range of possibilities when it comes to creating new content, building subpages, and changing the graphic layout. What’s more, created backend architecture allowed several content editors to work simultaneously whenever necessary.

    Lead generation support

    Landingi’s goal is constant conversion and lead generation – the website makes them possible as the first point of contact for potential clients. Being visually pleasant, fast, and UX-tampered, it keeps the users interested and engaged, maintaining the traffic of 250k people a month.

    SEO friendliness

    Load optimization and page experience are compliant with advanced Google guidelines. Thus, the website is both user and bots friendly and ready to make it big on organic search channels.

    Proper migration

    We imported the whole website’s history with more than 500 blog articles and implemented them on the new template along with the previous content layers, photos, images and links (not to lose the SEO power they gained so far). Knowledge base created in two languages was transferred with multimedia which saved the Landingi team from tedious manual work.


    The website works like a living organism. We constantly help it grow, working as Landingi’s team extension and implementing new functionalities to enhance the user experience of their clients even more.

    Having a common Slack channel, we’re able to respond on a regular basis and provide reliable support if the company’s content editors need our help or if there’s a new necessary feature to deploy. The channel is available for all people who take part in the project, both from the clients and Fooz side – developers, PM, CMO, designers, content editors, and DevOps.