Let's talk!

Microsoft Azure

Choosing Azure can be beneficial for both startups and enterprise customers. They can rely on the cloud’s security, flexibility, and maturity, already trusted by many serious players in the game.

Flexible, reliable and secure applications

Building, deploying, and maintaining an app with cloud services

We can provide a solution that is easy to scale and resistant to disasters and outages without focusing on infrastructure and networking. It’s all affordable thanks to Azure pricing that lets you pay only for consumed resources. The solution is also compatible with tools we use which helps develop applications in a faster and more convenient way.

Azure infrastructure based projects

Why Azure?



Running applications unaffectedly and scaling them from 1 to 100 or more without any additional coding

Azure also allows using storage which is safe, secure, and efficient, storing loads of data without worrying about infrastructure.



Microsoft pay-as-you-go model

Microsoft allows you to pay only for resources that you have actually used. Thanks to resources being held in the cloud, the costs of the administration can also be reduced.



The best cybersecurity experts who work for your advantage

Microsoft hires them to assure secure network, hardware, and firmware in their service. Azure also allows easy configuration of the network and access to resources.


Azure DevOps

Azure comes with a great management tool

It allows you to manage projects, pipelines, and deployment to Azure easily, cutting down the costs of project development and maintenance.

Additional advantages

Storage Space

When you need a lot of storage space for files and data but don’t want to invest in internal infrastructure


Building, testing, and deploying apps adjusted to requirements made much easier


Easy scaling of the application to fulfill actual business needs


Built-in analytics to help improve both a company product and customer experience


  • Virtual Machine Virtual Machine
  • Logic App Logic App
  • Application Insight Application Insight
  • KeyVaut KeyVaut
  • B2C B2C
  • App Services, Azure Functions or Logic Apps to fulfill client’s needs 

    Deploying an application does not always require setting up a whole machine with all necessary configuration. Using this approach saves a lot of time and money by selecting performance and pricing tier according to our requirements. No need to maintain the physical or even virtual machine is cost-effective since all the server administration is provided behind the scenes by Microsoft. And whenever we run out of resources while our system grows, we can increase them with just a few clicks in the portal.

    Developing custom solutions requires lots of time and expertise 

    With Azure, we can use many prepared components that can help us solve our problem in a very short time, even without requiring knowledge of the low-level machine learning! We can implement very rich functionalities like image classification, face recognition, text classification, and many more. Provided solutions are of high quality and performance and can be modified to some extent to fully meet our needs.


    CQRS approach ready for implementation of Microservice Architecture

    It allows us to easily scale and load balance applications. Maintaining and deploying such an architecture can be complicated and time-consuming. With Azure, we can get the advantage of deployment pipelines that once configured do all the job, saving lots of time and frustration. Everything can be automated – new changes are also automatically deployed always leaving us with the newest version of the software.

    Azure DevOps tool for project management

    It gives us full control over the backlog and progress of the project. We can easily manage sprints, track burned time, measure velocity, and control ownership of the tasks. It also allows us to add more features via extensions such as Planning Poker used at the beginning of the sprint to help prepare better commitment. All in one place with high possibilities of customization and extension.

    Infrastracture knowledge hub

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