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React.js development

A universal framework that allows creating complex frontend development projects for both startups and enterprises – always pretty, up-to-date, and both user- and mobile-friendly.

A robust library for refined UI solutions

React.JS makes it all so easy

With this flexible yet simple library, we can build complex sets of components that add up to a beautiful and functional software solution.

Projects developed with React.js

Why React.js?


Simple updates

Don’t rewrite the whole code

Updating certain parts of the product easily without a need to rewrite the whole code is what makes React.JS so special. The framework can be used to process a lot of data but also to build simple user interfaces.


Multifunctional solution

It’s suitable for almost every project 

You can use it for very simple apps and for big enterprise solutions. It’s a multifunctional tool that will definitely match your product whatever it may be. All the available components allow us to code user interfaces that are elegant, functional, and user-friendly.


Fits various needs

Whatever’s your urge, it’s done

Whether you own a startup, a company that needs a boost with digitization, or you want a dedicated IT solution for an upcoming promotional campaign – React.JS will rise to the challenge and make your product look fantastic and work perfectly.

Additional advantages


Fast frontend development guaranteed thanks to reusable components


The framework’s stable, secured, and picked by the biggest businesses in the world


Helpful in getting your brand to the top 10 of the Google search results


A plenitude of talented developers that can create a product of your dreams


Testing is maximally simplified and as efficient as it can be

Data binding

Debugging components of large applications is so much easier

Customer’s review

We have selected iteo mostly because they are really good with native apps development and UX. iteo’s team structure encourages collaboration and fast problem-solving.
I’m glad I have a partner in iteo that is able to complete the project seamlessly from concept, through development, to product launch.
iteo team demonstrated a lot of care to make sure things were done right. They seemed to have a vester interest in making this product great, even though they don’thave any equity in the company.
I can recommend iteo as a reliable business partner with extensive consultant expertise for creating custom mobile applications.

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Browser extensions

Browser extensions

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