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Automated testing

We use dedicated software tools to create automated test scripts that check a certain functionality or a system as a whole. This process is based on repeatable tasks to prove that the product is bugs free.

Minimising the risk with quality tests

Automated tests are an excellent way to collaborate with manual testing

They’re able to perform repeatable and difficult test cases that can be difficult for manual testers. This way we can, for example, produce thousands of requests to find out if the system is prepared for many users it will have to handle every day. We also avoid making mistakes in test results and thus save time and money, performing regression tests.

Projects developed with automated testing

Benefits of automated tests

Quick results

Automated tests are usually quicker which will be appreciated by every company that wants to save time.

Useful reports

Their scripts generate test reports containing information if tested software has bugs or is defects free.


They are quite utile when we want to provide and test the scalability of our product.

Easily adjustable

Simple introduction of changes and updates. Automation allows us to check a product’s performance right away.

4 areas of tests automotion


API testing

When it comes to API it is better to eliminate errors writing an automated script that will test it correctly.


GUI testing

Graphical user interface testing is done to determine if all the requirements from project documentation are met.


Performance testing

Finding out if an app or a website can handle an enormous amount of users by sending many requests at the same time.


Continuous testing

Adding testing process on every step of development to find out if the product meets business requirements.

When to apply automated testing?

When we can afford them

It is a great way to complement manual testing process and get full QA reports.

For thorough testing

Some tests simply can’t be done by people because they need more computing power.

When time is important

Automated tests take less time so they are perfect when we want to update a product quickly.

Customer’s review

A consistently reliable partner, iteo is a strong company which delivers skilful products. We haven’t experienced a single problem from their side with the timeline or scope.

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