Let's talk!


A professional brush-up of a user-centered website of a leading service provider for TSOs in the European electricity market.


  • Scope UX/UI
  • Business sector Electricity
  • iteo Team 1 UX designer
    1 UI designer

Modernized and UX-perfected website adjusted to presenting a large amount of dynamic data.


  • 2019

    project’s try-out

  • 2020

    beginning of work


    product workshops

  • Project’s highlights

    The auction page required a thorough analysis and consideration in order to present a vast amount of information in a UX friendly and comprehensive manner.


    Business needs and goals

    The client needed us to refresh their website’s design, showing the company’s modern image as well as providing its customers with an improved auction page and user experience.

    Additional requirements were: adding new subpages, changing content, and improving the site’s overall usability. 


    Challenges & solutions

    The biggest challenge while designing the auction page was comprehending the presented data.

    Designing the whole website, on the other hand, required understanding a targeted audience and its needs. 

    We usually don’t do workshops for sites, but we organized a UX/UI workshop for JAO to prepare a background for refreshing its website.



    The website is highly appealing and functional, being a great combination of efficiency and user-friendliness. It’s pleasant and easy to use, bringing what’s best from the presented UX and UI solutions. 

    Client’s review

    iteo demonstrated that the challenges we were facing were understood and backed up with real examples.