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WordPress development

Powering your company’s website with WordPress – the most commonly used content management system in the world. A variety of different options – tools, plugins, and flexible features – allows creating a robust solution that takes less time and is easy to manage.

We offer WordPress development

Simplicity and flexibility combined with outstanding technical quality

WordPress is the most common, comprehensive CMS for building websites. It provides many varied components able to change the functionality and appearance of every page. At the same time, it allows us to modify and create extensions adjusted to a company’s requirements, building up to be a quick and efficient tool in developing customized yet exquisite websites.

Projects developed with WordPress

Why WordPress?


Fast and simple

WordPress lets us use a majority of its features instantaneously after installation. Basic configuration tools allow a smooth initial deployment and a simple administration of a website, requiring no technical knowledge. All of the items needed for building and managing the page are easily accessible and enable processes such as creating content and photo galleries, customizing the appearance of a website, managing users, and integrating multimedia elements.


Mobile friendly & safe

WordPress websites are effectively protected against spam, database loss, substitution of content, or comment manipulation. Worldwide platform support guarantees a quick and agile security gaps repair. What’s more, it also allows building websites with the use of Responsive Web Design technology which makes them mobile friendly – they display well on various devices and browsers.


Additional advantages


Maintaining website’s efficiency despite a considerable amount of traffic or content.

SEO friendly

Proper search engine optimization makes a website more competitive.

Minimal coding

Providing a set of useful tools that enable reducing the coding process to minimum.


A website can grow along with a business without compromising its performance.


An open-source platform allows low costs of design, development, and maintenance.


Building a variety of websites: simple blogs, full-fledged websites, or e-commerce stores.

Customer’s review

Preparation and implementation of the new Marketables platform in cooperation with iteo as a trusted advisor and professional service provider was efficient and effective. I appreciate their attention for logical and business-justified construction of the project.

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